Friday, May 22, 2009

Why McChurch?

Well, first because I don't know how to change it to something a little more--applicable? Second, it' a little joke about how people are getting their spiritual food these days. It makes me sad that the most popular Christian programs are usually two things: un-controversial (IE watered-down) and misleading. "The main thing, is to keep the main thing the main thing"...or something like that. Here to me is the main thing: Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross to cure the impossible curse of sin, created by no other than the cretinous race of man. Cretinous is defined as, "a stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective person". Too strong a definition for my own? Nah, probably too mild in fact!
I was giving Dan a little foot rub yesterday. As my fingers pressed against his bones and ligaments, I imagined the sheer gruesome agony a crude spike mercilessly blasted through a foot would cause. Not because I was thinking of causin him pain!! Rather, because I imagined how it was done to the One I love most. Raise your hand if you would endure such an act while filled with a heart of love for the one conducting it...

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