Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My First Entry...

My name is Lacy, but really it's Larissa. The only time I'm ever called that, though, was when I got in trouble with my Mom as a kid, or during job interviews. My boyfriend suggested I start this blog for a lot of reasons: because they are fun, it's a great way to get in touch with people, but mostly to have an open discussion about the multitude of belief systems in the world today. I am a born-again Christian, and as Paul said, I presume to preach nothing but Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. I attend Calvary Chapel, a non-denom group founded by Chuck Smith during the hippie movement of the 60's and 70's. I hope that through this blogspot, I can build an ongoing conversation about the one true faith of Jesus, and address why sane, good-willed people with the best intentions would settle for off-shoots (I'm of course referring to movements such as the LDS and JW's, but so many others as well- such as Middle Eastern beliefs that are becoming more and more prevalent in the Western World). With no hatred intended toward people with differing beliefs than myself, and with a true desire to dig down and find a common ground for all of us, and a desire to see God's children come together and worship Him rightly, I hope you will take time to peruse my site and add your own input as well. God Bless You!!

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